If you’ve been following this logbook, you’ll know by now that in training we spend a lot of time preparing for emergencies and contingencies of all kinds.
It’s vital to have the knowledge and skills necessary to resolve a contingency situation, but of course we have a reasonable expectation that most of our time on orbit we will be working nominal operations.
To prepare us for that, the training community organizes periodically so called routine-ops simulations. In such sims we spend about five hours in the ISS mockups and we run through a typical timeline, starting with the morning Daily Planning Conference (DPC). That’s a tagup of the crew with all the control centers, starting with Houston, then on to Huntsville, Munich, Tsukuba and finally Moscow. At the end of the day there is a similar evening DPC to wrap up the day’s work.
This afternoon Terry, Anton and I will have such a routine ops sim. My last one was back in May. As you can see in the picture, that time Butch and I got to practice some routine work on the toilet, namely replacing the solid waste container. That’s definitely something we’ll do for sure on orbit.
Photo credit: NASA/Harnett
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